Our Policies

Privacy Policy

Canolfan Gerdd William Mathias (CGWM) is committed to protecting your privacy and ensuring that the personal information you provide to us is kept secure, in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Data Protection Act 2018.

As you use our services or when you visit our websites, we will direct you to read our Privacy Policy. If you disagree with the practices described in our Privacy Policy you must not use our services and websites.

We will take every possible care to ensure that the personal data you provide to us is processed and stored (where appropriate) as securely as possible, whether in digital or hard copy format.

We use services from external companies to store, process and analyse data (e.g. email marketing service, web server, cloud storage, card payment processing company). We take care to ensure that the external companies we use have high standards of data protection and comply with GDPR.

What kind of information do we collect?

To enable us to provide you with a service and respond to your queries we will collect personal data from you. This personal data may include information such as your name, email, telephone number, date of birth, nationality, address, any medical information you choose to share with us, and data relating to any payments made to us.

Lawful Basis for Processing Data
We mostly process data on a contract basis as you use our services. We also process data on the basis of legitimate interest.

Equality Monitoring

As part of all recruitment processes, CGWM collects and processes information or personal data, relating to job applicants. We will only use the data to promote equality and aim to improve equality of opportunity in employment. All equality monitoring data will be anonymised and removed from application forms before shortlisting and interviewing.

Photography and Filming

We ask for permission from a parent / guardian before we photograph or film a child taking part or attending our activities and explain how we will use the photo or film.

Cookies and Statistics on the Use of our Websites:

Most of the cookies we use are necessary for our websites to function properly.

We also use the Google Analytics service to provide us with statistics about how our websites are used by visitors. This is achieved by using cookies. Please note that we ask for your permission to set cookies when you visit our websites for the first time, and without your permission, Google Analytics cookies will not be set.

Our Email List:

We use the MailChimp service to administer our email list and send emails to our subscribers for CGWM news and events. Emails of this type are not sent to you unless you have opted in to receive them. You can unsubscribe at any time by clicking the link to do so which appears at the bottom of every email sent via MailChimp or by contacting us.

Key rights according to GDPR:

GDPR gives you the right to request access to the personal information we hold on you. You can submit a Text Request to View Data by using the contact details below. We will comply with these requests within one month (unless circumstances prevent us from doing so e.g. there is a legal reason for not doing so).

Updating and Deleting Your Personal Data:

You should ask us to correct or update any personal information we hold about you e.g. if you change your name or address or phone number.

You can ask us to remove any information we hold about you at any time. We will do this in accordance with the applicable laws of England and Wales and EU laws and regulations, GDPR.

Please note that we have legal obligations to retain certain types of customer information for certain periods e.g. for accounting purposes.

We will only keep information for the length of time required for the services you have asked for, or we have agreed to provide, or to meet legal requirements.

Find out more about your rights under the GDPR law and your right to make a complaint:

You can find out more about your rights according to GDPR by visiting the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) (UK) website.

Contact details

Meinir Llwyd Roberts (Director, William Mathias Music Center)

CGWM, Galeri, Victoria Dock, Caernarfon, LL55 1SQ


Date of last review and update by CGWM board : 02/07/2021

Safeguarding Policy

Canolfan Gerdd William Mathias (CGWM) is committed to a practice which protects everyone from harm.  All staff, tutors and volunteers and trustees in CGWM accept and recognise their responsibility to develop awareness of the issues which might cause harm. They must be fully aware of, and operate within, the terms of this policy.

CGWM offers a varied programme of activities including regular one-to-one and group music tuition for children, young people and adults, music in health projects in the community, public concerts and performances and international festivals. CGWM employs a small team of administrative staff and works with a large team of freelance music tutors. Many CGWM staff and freelance tutors have regular contact with children and adults at risk**.

CGWM endeavours to safeguard everyone by:

  • Adopting a code of conduct for staff, tutors and volunteers
  • Sharing information about child safeguarding and good practice with all children involved in CGWM, their parents and carers, staff and volunteers.
  • Sharing information about adult safeguarding and good practice with all adults involved in CGWM, to protect our own staff and volunteers as well as all other adults who come into contact with CGWM
  • Sharing information about concerns with agencies who need to know, and involving adults, carers, parents and children appropriately.
  • Following carefully the procedures for recruitment and selection of staff and volunteers taking into account any changes in DBS requirements.
  • Providing effective management for staff and volunteers through supervision, support and training.
  • Appointing a member of staff and a member of the board of trustees to be responsible for dealing with safeguarding issues. These designated people access and follow the guidance of the Wales Safeguarding Procedures contained in the app www.safeguarding.wales
  • Identifying the designated people to all other staff, tutors and volunteers, who are encouraged to share with them any issues or concerns they may have for their own safety and safeguarding, or the safety and safeguarding of others known to CGWM, including any inappropriate or unprofessional conduct. Any concerns raised in good faith will be taken seriously and will not result in negative consequences for the person sharing those concerns.
  • CGWM is committed to reviewing its safeguarding policy and good practice at regular intervals and at least every year.

**‘Adult at risk’ is defined in section 126 of the Social Services and Well-being Act (Wales) 2014 as :

An adult who:

is experiencing or is at risk of abuse or neglect, and

has needs for care and support (whether or not the authority is meeting any of those needs), and

as a result of those needs is unable to protect himself or herself against the abuse or neglect or the risk of it.

Designated Safeguarding Person (DSP) and Lead Trustee for Safeguarding (LTS) are:

DSP : Meinir Llwyd Roberts (Director) meinir@cgwm.org.uk / 01286 685230

LTS : John Pritchard bwrdd@cgwm.org.uk

The DSP should be contacted in the first instance unless the safeguarding concerns relates to them.

DSP keeps up to date with the any further developments in safeguarding good practice e.g. https://www.northwalessafeguardingboard.wales/ and to the requirements of the DBS service ensuring that staff, tutors and volunteers comply with the requirements of this service. DSP is responsible for submitting reports to the relevant social services team.

The LTS is a supporting role with the remit to discuss safeguarding issues with the DSP and assist their decision-making. The LTS is also an alternative contact person for personal choice or if the DSP is implicated in the safeguarding concern.

Recruitment Procedures

 CGWM employees, free-lance tutors and volunteers are required to have the required level of DBS check  as outlined in https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/dbs-guidance-leaflets. The DBS check  to be  obtained through CGWM (using the services of Vibrant Nation as the umbrella body) or has been checked using the online updating service if subscribed.

As CGWM organises substantial regulated activity CGWM trustees are required to have an Enhanced DBS check.

CGWM  runs a free online check on a DBS certificate presented by a person who has subscribed to the update service providing that:

  • the candidate has given permission
  • the post they are applying for qualifies for the same level of check as the original certificate (which must be viewed)

If the original certificate is of a lower or higher level than required, CGWM must request a new application.

DBS certificates are checked through the online service or renewed every three years. (changing to annually from September 2025

In the event of a visiting artist giving non-regular workshop, masterclass or performance or a volunteer assisting in a one off event involving children or adults at risk, the artist or volunteer must not be alone with the children or adults at risk  in any circumstance and a member of staff / volunteer with a satisfactory DBS disclosure  or the children’s parents / guardians must be present at all times to act as chaperone/supervisor.

All new staff and also new regular freelance tutors  have an interview  with the Director and member(s) of the board of trustees.

At least 2 References must be obtained from people who have experience of their work/volunteering and contact with children / adults at risk. One may be a suitable personal referee giving a character reference.  It is acknowledged however that not all new recruits will have previous experience of working with children or adults at risk but the referees should still be asked to confirm if they know of any reason why they would not be suitable to work with children or adults at risk.

Health and Safety

Staff should always make sure that the activity complies with CGWM’s Health and Safety Guidelines. A risk assessment must be undertaken in advance of each new activity/provision and adequate measures taken to ensure safety, security and safeguarding.

Risk Assessment

CGWM staff are required to undertake risk assessments on all activities to ensure the safety of the participants and ensuring that activities are accessible to all children and adults with care and support needs who wish to take part. If arranging a group activity the member of staff responsible for the activity must make sure that there is a sufficient number of staff to children or young people.

Currently the NSPCC  recommend: 

0 – 2 years –one adult to three children

2 – 3 years –one adult to four children

4 – 8 years –one adult to six children

9 – 12 years –one adult to eight children

13 – 18 years –one adult to ten children

When a group activity is taking place keeping within the above ratios, a second responsible adult should be present in the building, for example in CGWM office, and actively aware of the group taking place. If the participating children are aged under 8 and the group consists of more than 2 children, the second responsible adult should be in the same room and actively overseeing the group, if not actually involved. 

With respect to workshops for adults at risk including Hidden Talents and Canfod y Gân, CGWM will rely on guidance from the local social services department who refer the participants to the activities and determine the appropriate adequate staffing levels (which do not include the usual carer to an individual who may accompany them).

No child or young person under the age of 16 (16 -18 with a known care and support need) or adult referred or placed into our provision (care and support need) is permitted to leave the venue where the activity is taking place at any time except when accompanied by their parent, carer or support worker, or expressly authorised representative of CGWM. Any student (aged under 16) needing to leave before the end of the activity without an appropriate adult accompanying them must have written permission from their parent / guardian.

Photography and Filming

Consent is sought from parents or guardians before any child can be photographed or filmed by CGWM participating in any activity and the consent form states how the images will be used and for what purpose. Consent may be withdrawn by anyone at any time, in writing and in response, all images removed from display accordingly. All adults also have a right not to be photographed and not to have their images used after photo/video has been captured. Their explicit consent should be obtained and refusal or withdrawal of consent after it has given, must also be respected. If an adult at risk does not have capacity to consent, then their carer or social worker should be contacted to respond in line with their best interests process.


Information relating to children and adults at risk

To ensure best possible care of children and adults at risk whilst in the care of CGWM, parents or carers are asked to provide CGWM with the following information:

  • Name, Address, Date of Birth,
  • Information about any medical or learning needs
  • Name of parent or carer together with emergency contact numbers

All information will be kept safely and securely (in line with CGWM’s Privacy Policy Policies | Canolfan Gerdd William Mathias (cgwm.org.uk) and used only for the purposes of CGWM to best support our members. We will check the accuracy of the information regularly, delete information that is inaccurate or no longer required, and delete information held on the request of the data subject.

Code of Conduct

CGWM has developed a code of conduct document which advises staff, trustees, tutors and those who work or volunteer at CGWM on appropriate behaviour especially when working with children and adults at risk. All staff and regular tutors should receive a copy of the code of conduct together with this policy and should complete an online declaration stating that they have understood and will adhere to them or request a meeting with one of CGWM’s designated persons to have further guidance and explanations.


Board of trustees and staff members/volunteers are expected to be fully aware of this policy and must attend an induction on this policy on joining CGWM.

Trustees must complete an introduction to safeguarding module (Group A online or in person ) within 3 months of joining CGWM, thereafter appropriate courses from time to time, with no more than 3 years between safeguarding courses/refreshers

All employed staff  to complete  safeguarding course of the appropriate level within a month of joining CGWM and refresh their training at least every 2 years .

All regular free-lance tutors are asked to provide us with evidence that they have in-date suitablesafeguarding training completed within the past 2 years). CGWM will provide free-lance musicians who haven’t completed safeguarding training with access to safeguarding training free of charge. All freelancers to receive a copy of this policy and any future updates.

All training courses and learning opportunities are recorded and CGWM will continue to ensure that its designated responsible staff attend regular training at the required level for DSPs to keep up to date with new legislation and guidance.

Reporting of abuse or suspected abuse

Where a situation suggests that a person is in need of medical attention, emergency protection or is the victim of a crime, it is imperative that someone calls 999 immediately.

If a person working with CGWM is concerned that a person is a victim of abuse, they should  share all that they know on the matter with the designated member of staff named above who will discuss further with the designated member of the board of trustees within 24 hours (or if DSP not available with the Chair), write a report containing all the relevant facts known to CGWM and decide if the matter demonstrates reasonable cause to suspect abuse, neglect or harm to a child or adult at risk, and therefore should be shared with the local authority safeguarding team for the region where the subject resides. The named designated safeguarding personnel will discuss with the individual at risk their views, wishes and feelings about the situation, which should also include their consent for CGWM to make a safeguarding report about them.





It is good practice to discuss consent with a child who is able to understand the concept, but the adult is responsible for their safeguarding and so may make a report without a child/young person’s consent.

Consent from an adult must be sought in all circumstances, unless mental capacity has been assessed as lacking (in which case a report may be made on a “best interest” basis). All adults with capacity have the right to withhold their consent and the right to make decisions which could be deemed “risky”. Where consent is withheld, the designated safeguarding person discusses with the adult what steps CGWM can take to contribute to their safety, what measures the individual can put in place for themselves, and where else they might go to seek additional support e.g. specialist agencies such as Women’s Aid. The risk is assessed periodically in the knowledge that should risk continue, a report can be made to social services.

A report may be made without consent where it appears that the perpetrator has access to other people who are similarly at risk (in which case the matter is more focussed on the perpetrator) or where the adult appears to be under the undue influence of another, using pressure, coercion or threat to discourage them from giving their consent. These details should be included in the safeguarding report. The response from the local authority should not be affected by these elements.

All subjects of a safeguarding report should be kept fully informed of the actions that CGWM are taking regarding their safeguarding and all following steps.

An internal report form should be completed for each and every incident of issue or concern, ideally as soon as possible and within 24 hours of the incident. Incident reports are stored securely and shared with the designated safeguarding person and others who may need to know e.g. HR sub-committee.

CGWM will provide internal report forms for individuals to record any incidents or concerns. Copies of the referral forms of the North Wales Regional Safeguarding Board are also available in CGWM office and will be completed by designated persons should it be decided that the matter should be referred.

Allegations against people who work and volunteer for or on behalf of, CGWM, who may also be in a position of trust, regulated activity, employed or a volunteer elsewhere with access to children or adults at risk, a carer to children or adults (professionally or in their personal life)

If a student, child or adult at risk, makes an allegation of abuse to a tutor, a member of staff, or volunteer working with CGWM regarding any other adult known to them from CGWM, that person should contact the designated safeguarding person or alternative member of staff as soon as possible and record in writing using the child’s / adult at risk’s own words. The record should be signed and dated and the information passed on to the local authority safeguarding team for the region where the child/adult usually resides (as appropriate, for the safeguarding of the individual) and the designated officer (LADO) in compliance with the Wales Safeguarding Procedures section 5 https://www.safeguarding.wales/chi/index.c5.html who will decide if further action is required to prevent an unsuitable person from being in contact with people who are at risk.

If a member of staff, tutor or volunteer is concerned about the behaviour of a colleague in relation to working with children or adults at risk they should discuss their concerns in confidence with the designated staff member named above who will discuss the matter further with the designated board of trustees’ member and decide on subsequent action. Any such reports made in good faith will not be met with negative repercussions for the reporter, even if the issue be deemed unfounded, at a later stage.

When a staff member, tutor or volunteer is in regulated activity, there is a duty to refer to DBS any person who harms or poses a threat of harm to a person in their care when they are removed from regulated activity (resigned, dismissed, retired) in relation to the situation of harm. This referral would mean the individual would be considered for barring. If the person is not in a regulated activity at CGWM but CGWM is aware that the person is in a regulated activity in another organisation CGWM a referral can be made.

CGWM will report to the Charity Commission as soon as possible any safeguarding incidents, complaints or allegations according to the Charity Commissions guidelines and CGWM’s ‘Reporting of Serious Incidents to the Charity Commission’ policy.

Date of adoption of revised policy by board : 24.10.2024

Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Policy


Canolfan Gerdd William Mathias (CGWM) recognises the benefits of implementing an Equality and Diversity Policy. The aim of this policy is to ensure that employees, potential employees, volunteers, self-employed tutors and contractors, clients, service users and visitors are treated in a fair and equal manner regardless of age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage or civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex, or sexual orientation (Protected Characteristics). It also seeks to ensure that no person is victimised or subjected to any form of bullying or harassment.

Our policy will comply with and, where appropriate, exceed the statutory requirements of the Equality Act 2010, as appropriate and in accordance with current good practice.  We are committed to providing a working environment that values the diversity of all  – our staff and those we encounter at work. We fully support people’s right to be treated with dignity and respect and value people as individuals with diverse views, cultures, lifestyles and circumstances.

We are committed to ensuring equality of opportunity in the employment and training of our staff and the delivery of our services by following practices that are free from unfair and unlawful discrimination.  CGWM is committed to making sure there is no unjustified discrimination in our processes for recruitment and selection, performance management and pay, and that promotion is fairly granted across all our operations.

We welcome and want to attract, recruit and retain disabled people within our workforce, so we can benefit from their skills and talents.

In addition, CGWM:

  • is committed to reflecting the diversity of Wales and to making its services accessible to all. This applies to its services, its service users and staff;
  • aims to create and sustain an inclusive work environment which provides equality of opportunity for everyone;
  • is committed to ensuring that all self-employed workers or contractors, whether part-time, full-time or temporary, are treated fairly and with respect at all times. Qualification and ability will be the basis for selection for a job, promotion, training or any other benefit.

The policy applies to all aspects of employment with CGWM, including recruitment, pay and conditions, training, appraisals, promotions, conduct at work, disciplinary and grievance procedures, and termination of employment.
This policy is not part of an employment agreement and may be amended at any time.

What is equality and diversity?

Equality is about providing equal access to opportunities and services for everyone and ensuring everyone has the same opportunities to fulfil their potential free from discrimination. It is also about removing any barriers or discriminatory practices that may affect particular groups.

Diversity is a concept based on the principle that everyone is different in some way, and that taking an inclusive approach brings benefits and advantages. It is about recognising, respecting and valuing the differences that everyone has.

Inclusion: CGWM will strive to ensure that everyone is comfortable to be themselves at work and feels the worth of their contribution.

Responsibilities for Equality and Diversity in CGWM

The CGWM Board / Management Committee has responsibility for ensuring that this policy is implemented.

Everyone, including Board Members, employees, self-employed contractors and volunteers, has a duty to act within the guidelines of this policy. Staff should not unlawfully harass or discriminate against others, including current and former staff, job applicants, service users, suppliers and visitors. This applies to the workplace, outside the workplace (when dealing with service users, suppliers or work-related contacts), and on work-related trips or events, including social events.

No employee should persuade another employee, individually or collectively, to practise unlawful discrimination.

We encourage staff / tutors or participants who are concerned about a diversity and equality issue to raise the matter orally or in writing with the Director or Chair of the HR Committee.

Providing a Service

CGWM makes every effort to ensure that its activities are fully accessible to everyone. Its main centres, at Galeri, Theatr Twm o’r Nant and Neuadd Pwllglas are ideally placed to deliver access to everyone.

CGWM ensures that other venues used for its activities are accessible.

Equal Opportunities Policy Statement
The following forms of discrimination are unlawful and are prohibited under this policy:

direct discrimination: treating someone less favorably because of a Protected Characteristic (see list above)

indirect discrimination: a provision, criterion or practice that is not justified. They apply to everyone but have a greater adverse effect on people with a particular Protected Characteristic. This may apply to a variety of circumstances, including employment or service delivery issues

harassment: this includes sexual harassment and other undesirable behaviors involving a Protected Character. Their purpose and effect is to interfere with someone’s dignity or create an intimidating, unfriendly, degrading, humiliating or offensive environment for them. Harassment is dealt with further in our Respect at Work Policy

victimisation: retaliation against someone who has complained or upheld someone else’s complaint of discrimination or harassment

disability discrimination: this includes direct and indirect discrimination, any unjustified less favorable treatment because of the impact of disability, and failure to make reasonable adjustments to minimise disadvantages caused by disability.


Children’s Rights
CGWM recognizes that investing in children’s human rights brings real benefits to organisations and enables more children and young people to become better involved in public services. Children’s policy and legislation in Wales is based on the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC). The Rights of Children and Young Persons (Wales) Measure 2011, the Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act 2014 and the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015 place duties on public authorities that contribute to the realization of children’s rights.

Although not a public body, CGWM is committed, to the best of its ability, to operating in accordance with the main principles of the Children’s Rights Approach, a principled and practical framework for working with children.

In particular, CGWM, to the best of its ability, will:
• treat all children fairly, provide them with opportunities and resources according to their needs in an equal way with others, and ensure that they are able to develop to their full potential

• ensure that all children have an equal opportunity to make the most of their lives and talents

• work towards the realisation of human rights for children by ensuring that they:

  • respect their rights. We will not judge a child’s human rights as less important because he or she is under a certain age, or because we presume what is best for the child.


  • protect rights. We will try to ensure that others do not violate a child’s human rights, by taking action where there is evidence that children do not receive their rights, e.g. where children are subjected to abuse, exploitation or discrimination


  • fulfill rights. We will take steps to ensure that children have every opportunity to enjoy, or enhance, their human rights by making children aware of their rights, and that children’s rights are appropriately prioritised in terms of resources.
    More details about Children’s Rights can be found by following this link – https://www.childcomwales.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/The- Right-Way.pdf


Recruitment and Selection
CGWM will conduct recruitment, promotion and other selection practices such as fair selection of redundancies, on merit against objective criteria that avoid discrimination. Shortlists are made by more than one person.
Vacancies are generally advertised using channels that reach various sections of the labour market. CGWM will avoid stereotyping when advertising, or use words that may not support particular groups when applying.
CGWM will not ask job applicants questions that may indicate an intention to discriminate on the basis of a Protected Characteristic. (Health or disability questions can be included in equal opportunities monitoring forms but these are not used for selection or decision making. Equality questionnaires are drawn from applications before shortlisting and interviewing).

Equal Pay
CGWM will ensure that all employees, are entitled to the same pay and other contractual benefits for the same or similar work.


The Welsh Language

The Welsh language is not a “protected characteristic” under the Act but CGWM is committed to ensuring equality of the language as outlined in our Welsh language policy.


Raising concerns

All Board Members staff/tutors are required to comply with the principles of this policy and to act in accordance with its objectives so as to remove any barriers to equality.


Where tutors or service users raise an allegation of discrimination the complaint will be considered by the HR sub-committee which will report as appropriate to the full board of Directors


Any member of staff who considers themselves to have been discriminated against can raise the matter through the Grievance Procedure or Respect at Work Policy. Complaints will be treated confidentially and investigated as appropriate.


Breach of Policy
Any breaches of this policy will be dealt with in accordance with our Disciplinary Procedure. Serious cases of willful discrimination can amount to gross misconduct, which could lead to dismissal.




CGWM will make opportunities for training, development and progress available to all staff and will review training requirements regularly.


CGWM will regularly train board members and employees about their rights and responsibilities in relation to the Equality and Diversity Policy.



CGWM will monitor equality information regarding recruitment.  The purpose of monitoring data enables CGWM to meet its legal obligations. CGWM is extremely aware of the need to provide a comprehensive service for all and to this end; CGWM monitors the resources and facilities available at every venue it uses.


Monitoring will also include assessing how the equality, diversity and inclusion policy, and any supporting action plan, are working in practice, reviewing them annually, and considering and taking action to address any issues.



Updated January 2023 with assistance from an external HR consultant and approved by CGWM full board on 30.1.2023  

Welsh Language

CGWM’s Welsh Language Offer

 We were delighted to receive official approval of the Welsh Language Commissioner’s office to our Welsh Language Offer ‘y Cynnig Cymraeg’ in 2022.

 Our Welsh Language Offer

 You can make an enquiry in Welsh by email, telephone, by visiting our office or over social media, and you will receive a reply in Welsh.

c.85% of our regular freelance tutors speak Welsh which means that the majority of our students are able to receive music tuition through the medium of Welsh if they wish. We encourage and are keen to support any freelance worker who’s keen to learn Welsh.

All CGWM marketing materials are totally bilingual with the Welsh appearing first when both languages are on the same page or message.

Our website is fully bilingual

Through our International Music Festival we raise the profile of the Welsh Langauge across the world.



 (Prepared under the Welsh Language Act 1993 and reviewed following the 2011 Welsh language Measure)

This policy sets out how Canolfan Gerdd Williams Mathias adopts the principle of treating the Welsh and English Language on a basis of equality. Wales is a bilingual country and as an organisation, we recognise the benefits of providing good quality Welsh language services.  According to the 2011 Census. 65% of Gwynedd’s population are Welsh speakers. It’s important that these Welsh speakers, in addition to children and adults who are learning Welsh are offered provision through the medium of Welsh at CGWM.

Canolfan Gerdd William Mathias recognises the principle of equality between the Welsh and English Languages. Regard for both languages has been integral to the administration of CGWM since its inception.

CGWM operates as a bilingual organisation and is committed to communicating with the public in Wales bilingually. The publication of this policy incorporates many of the current working practices of CGWM.

Within CGWM, the Director and the Board of Trustee-Directors are responsible for the operation of the policy and for communicating it to all staff and tutors.


  • All Board members involved with relevant policy formulation, staff and tutors will be made aware of CGWM’s Welsh Language policies and its responsibilities under the Welsh Language Act 1993 and Welsh Language Measure 2011.
  • CGWM will strive to ensure that its dealings with the public are of an equally high standard in Welsh and English.
  • CGWM will ensure that staff providing public services are trained to supply a quality service in Welsh and English that is of an equal standard.
  • Students are generally able to be taught in the language of their choice as over 85% of  of tutors at CGWM are fluent Welsh speakers and several others are learning Welsh and are able to understand the language.
  • CGWM’s website and social media channels are bilingual.
  • All letters and emails received by CGWM will receive replies in the language of the originating correspondence.
  • When CGWM initiates correspondence, the preferred language of the addressee will be used if known, and if not, the communication will be issued bilingually.
  • Telephone callers to the main CGWM number will be greeted bilingually and the conversation will continue in the caller’s preferred language.
  • People attending CGWM concerts and public meetings will be able to contribute in Welsh or English.
  • Staff who welcome the public at CGWM front desk will be expected to greet visitors bilingually and be able either to deal with them in the language of their choice or to direct them to a member of staff who is able to do so.
  • CGWM adopts a bilingual public image and identity.
  • CGWM is committed to providing print in both Welsh and English.
  • Minutes of Board Meetings are produced bilingually and simultaneous translation is provided in the meetings to enable board members to contribute in Welsh or English.
  • Marketing, advertising and promotional materials for events and activities, including leaflets will be produced in both English and Welsh.
  • CGWM is committed to supporting staff and tutors who want to learn Welsh or improve their ability to use the Welsh language, by supporting them to attend online or face to face courses.
  • CGWM will raise the profile of the Welsh Language internationally through our International Music Festivals

CGWM formally adopted this policy on December 4th, 2009.

Date of last review approved by the Board of Trustee-Directors : 9 May, 2022.

CGWM also has a Welsh Language Action Plan which is updated annually (latest update : April 2024).

Concerns and Complaints Policy


This policy applies to service users, participants, parents and guardians, tutors, volunteers and anyone involved with Canolfan Gerdd William Mathias (CGWM) other than a member of staff. CGWM has a specific grievance policy and procedure for its staff.


CGWM aims to provide a service of the highest quality to all and welcomes the views of any person on the service provided, so that it can be improved if needed. CGWM will endeavour to deal effectively and promptly with any concerns or complaints you may have about our provision.


If your concern or complaint relates to the protection of a child or vulnerable adult, CGWM will act by following the process set out in CGWM’s Safeguarding of Children and Adults at Risk policy.


If your concern or complaint relates to an equality and diversity matter CGWM will act by following the process set out in CGWM’s Equality and Diversity Policy.


If your concern or complaint relates to harassment or bullying the procedure set out in the Respect at Work Policy and CGWM Activities will be followed.


Informal Resolution

CGWM will endeavor to resolve any concern or complaint informally wherever possible in a spirit of co-operation.

You are therefore encouraged to raise your concern or complaint in the first instance with the member of CGWM staff on duty at the CGWM Office or activity venue.

If the complaint relates to a tutor or activity leader or a member of CGWM’s administrative staff the full-time CGWM Administrator (Gwydion Davies) or CGWM Director (Meinir Llwyd Roberts) should be contacted as appropriate, by telephoning the Office 01286 685230 or emailing gwydion@cgwm.org.uk/ meinir@cgwm.org.uk


Formal process

If your concern or complaint cannot be resolved informally, or you wish to put your complaint in writing, in the first instance, please contact the Director of CGWM (Meinir Llwyd Roberts) 01286 685230 meinir@cgwm.org.uk stating clearly your wish to make a complaint under the Concerns and Complaints Policy. The formal submission should explain the basis and nature of the complaint and the desired outcome.


If your complaint relates to the Director of CGWM then it should be referred to the Chair of the Finance and Resources Sub-Committee of the CGWM Board of Directors / Trustees, John Pritchard.

CGWM will acknowledge receipt of written complaints within 5 working days and investigate the matter internally.


The person investigating the complaint (‘the investigator’) will consider the relevant evidence including any documents, notes of conversations or emails. She/he may ask to meet with you to discuss the matter in question and may interview any person to whom the complaint relates and any relevant witnesses.


The investigator may recommend specific action to be taken in response to the concern or complaint including referring the matter to members of CGWM’s Board of Directors / Trustees.

If, after considering all relevant evidence, the investigator recommends disciplinary action against a member of staff the procedure in the Staff Disciplinary Policy and Procedure must be followed.

The complainant will be issued with the written outcome of the investigation within 28 working days.



If you do not feel that your concern or complaint has been satisfactorily resolved an appeal may be made to the Chair of CGWM’s Board of Directors-Trustees, Wyn Thomas



The appeal should be submitted in writing to the Chair within five working days of the written notification of the outcome of the complaint stating clearly the grounds of appeal.


The Chair will investigate the grounds of appeal and all relevant evidence and inform you of the outcome within 21 working days of receipt of the appeal. The outcome will be final and there will no further right of appeal.


Concerns and Complaints : Date of last review and update by CGWM board 29/1/24.

Terms of Use of our Websites

These terms of use govern your use of websites operated by Canolfan Gerdd William Mathias (including Canfod y Gân, Wales Harp Festival, Wales Piano Festival). If you disagree with any part of these terms of use, you must not use our website.

Unless otherwise stated, we own the intellectual job rights and material on our websites. You must not republish or sell material from our websites.

Personal information may be submitted to us through our websites – to learn more please view our Privacy Policy.

Our websites may include hyperlinks to other websites owned and operated by third parties. These links are not recommendations and we have no control over the contents of third-party websites.

Respect at Work and CGWM Activities Policy


This policy applies to members of staff, Board members, tutors, service users (including parents, pupils and carers), volunteers and everyone involved with CGWM.


CGWM recognises that everyone has the right to be treated with dignity and respect. Bullying and harassment are harmful. They cause distress and can lead to accidents, illness and poor performance. CGWM will not tolerate or accept any form of discrimination, bullying or harassment. It will take complaints of such behaviour very seriously, take immediate action, and in the case of a member of staff this can lead to disciplinary action.



Bullying can be defined as “offensive, intimidating, malicious or insulting behaviour, an abuse of power through means that undermine, humiliate, denigrate or injure the recipient”. (ACAS)

Examples of bullying may include:

  • spreading malicious rumours, or insulting someone by word or behaviour (especially on grounds of age, disability, gender reassignment, marital or civil partner status, pregnancy or maternity, race, colour, nationality, ethnic or national origin, religion or belief, sex or sexual orientation (Protected Characteristics);
  • sending a communication in any form, critical about someone, to other people where they did not need to receive the information;
  • ridiculing or demeaning someone – picking on them or setting them up to fail;
  • excluding or victimising anyone;
  • treating anyone unfairly;
  • overbearing supervision or other misuse of power or position;
  • unwanted sexual propositions or advances – touching, standing too close, displaying offensive material.
  • making unfounded threats or comments about job security;
  • deliberately undermining a member of staff through overloading and constant criticism;
  • preventing individuals progressing by intentionally blocking opportunities for promotion or training.



Harassment can be defined as “unwanted conduct which has the purpose of violating an individual’s dignity or creating an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive environment for that individual”. “(ACAS)

Harassment includes unwelcome and unrequested behaviour, particularly in the following areas:

  • age
  • disability
  • gender reassignment
  • marriage and civil partnership
  • pregnancy and maternity
  • race
  • religion and belief
  • sex or sexual orientation.

Although CGWM appreciates that reporting a case of bullying and harassment can be embarrassing, once a case has been reported, they have a duty to act on the matter. Reports of bullying and harassment will be investigated in all cases.


The Process

Informal Approach

Any person who believes that he/she is being bullied or harassed should make it clear to the person who is acting unacceptably that the behaviour is unacceptable and should stop. A note should be kept of any informal communication that occurs.

It is appreciated that a child or young person under the age of 18 or a vulnerable adult may not have the confidence to raise the matter directly with the person acting unacceptably. If a parent, guardian or carer or any other person with responsibilities for the child or young person or vulnerable adult (‘their representative’) is aware that such a child or person is unhappy with the behaviour towards him / her he or she should raise the issue with the Director and the Director will seek to resolve the situation informally.

If the representative considers the unacceptable behaviour to be ‘abusive’ (a safeguarding matter) then the Child Protection and Vulnerable Adults Policy should be implemented.


Formal Approach

If informal methods fail, or serious bullying or harassment occurs, the aggrieved person or their representative is advised to make a formal complaint. The complaint should be in writing and, where possible, state:

  • Name of the alleged perpetrator
  • The nature of the alleged behaviour
  • The dates and times when the behaviour occurred
  • The names of witnesses to any cases of alleged bullying or harassment, if available
  • Any action already taken to prevent the alleged behaviour.


The complaint should be sent to the Director. If the complaint relates to the Director the complaint should be referred to the Chair of the Human Resources Sub-Committee or if it involves a Board member it should be sent to the Chair of the Board.


Upon receipt of a complaint immediate action should be taken to separate the person responsible for the alleged conduct. For a member of staff this may mean a temporary transfer to another area of ​​the business, or suspension from paid work until the complaint is resolved.


The Director or Chair of the Human Resources Sub-Committee or Chair of the Board as appropriate will investigate the allegation by conducting a thorough investigation as soon as possible, ensuring confidentiality at all times. Everyone involved in the investigation is expected to respect the need for confidentiality. Failure to do so will constitute misconduct in accordance with the Company’s Disciplinary Policy.


Following the investigation, the Director or Chair of the Human Resources Committee or Chair of the Board will consider what further action to take and inform the relevant parties of her / his decision. In the case of a member of staff this may involve action in accordance with the formal disciplinary procedure, which may include dismissal.

Right of Appeal

A member of staff subject to any form of disciplinary action will have the right of appeal against the decision in accordance with the appeal procedure in the Disciplinary Policy and Procedure.

Any other person will have the right to appeal any judgment against them by following the Appeals Procedure under the Complaints Procedure.

Date of last review and update by CGWM board : 17/8/2020