On Friday the 19th and Saturday the 20th of June Camau Cerdd/Steps in Music visited the Showground in Mona for the Anglesey Family Festival.
They had three sessions each day and had a variety of children coming to meet Mr. Cerdd and learn music.
On the Friday schools from all over Anglesey were at the festival and those who frequented the Steps in Music sessions with Charlotte and Gethin learnt how to play different rhythms in time on percussive instruments as well as learning to sing the sol-fa with the corresponding hand gestures.
On the Saturday it was a turn for younger children to have a music session with their parents and Marie-Claire and Gethin. They got to meet Mr. Cerdd and sing songs and play instruments whilst hearing the story ‘A Rumble in the Jungle’ (by Andreae and Wojtowycz).
We all had a wonderful time!